Experts from all sectors addressing New Zealand’s sustainability challenges have been announced as contributors to the upcoming NZ SDG Summit 2019.
Accelerated action, together will be the focus of the second New Zealand SDG Summit in Auckland on 2 September 2019 that will address how to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Panellists and speakers include:
Te āhua o tā wāhi, me te whai pānga o Aotearoa, hei ārahi – The international context and NZ’s leadership role:
Rt. Honourable Helen Clark (Helen Clark Foundation)
Panel discussion: Dr Jacqueline Parisi (Council for International Development), Dr Russel Norman (Executive Director, Greenpeace), Rachel Le Mesurier (Executive Director Oxfam).
Ngā mahi ā muri atu i te arotake – Accelerated action beyond the status quo:
Chair – Dr Gill Greer, Kevin Hague (Chief Executive, Forest and Bird), Dr Daniel Hikuroa (Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland), Sophie Handford (National Co-ordinator, Student Climate Action)
Ko Te amorangi ki mua, te hāpai ō ki muri – Taking action locally and collaboratively:
Chair – Penny Hulse (Chair, Environment and Community Committee, Auckland Council), Frith Walker (Manager Place Making, Panuku Development), Rob Creemers (Founding Director, APS – Summit Gold Sponsors), Shahin Najak (UNESCO Aotearoa Youth Leaders group), Parekawhia McLean (Director, Strategy and Infrastructure, CMDHB).
Hei kawe i a tātou ki te āpōpō – Leading into the future:
Chair – Victoria Rhodes-Carlin (UN Youth Association), Kate Boylan (Sustainability Engineer, Tonkin and Taylor, NZGBC Future Thinkers), Waimirirangi Koopu-Stone and Tamoko Ormsby (Founders, Pipiri ki a Papatuanuku), Dewy Sacayan (Generation Zero), Fale Andrew Lesa (Policy Consultant, Asia Dev Bank Aotearoa Representative, UNESCO Asia Pacific Youth Advisory Board).
Summit Registration is open to all and the cost to delegates starts from $86.25 for students.